MASKA (Indonesia Railway Society) and GEM Indonesia together holding The RailwayTech Indonesia Digital Expo & Webinar. This platform will present a digital expo in railway industries and virtual exhibition floor will enable companies to showcase their products to registered attendees. Visit and Replay the RailwayTech Indonesia Webinar Sessions!

BUSWORLD and GEM Indonesia proudly present “Busworld Southeast Asia Webinar Series”.
Busworld is the largest B2B exhibition that focuses on the bus, coach and minibus industry, including its components, parts and services. In 2019, Indonesia was selected as the sixth country for holding Busworld exhibition under the name Busworld Southeast Asia. Visit and Replay the Busworld Southeast Asia Webinar Sessions!

Solartech Indonesia Digital Expo Webinar is a part of Solartech Indonesia Exhibition.
This platform will present a digital expo in Solartech industries and virtual exhibition floor will enable companies to showcase their products to registered attendees.
Visit and Replay the Solartech Indonesia Webinar Sessions!
The 10th edition of Solartech Indonesia 2025 will take place from 23 – 25 April 2025 at Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia. The show will be held together with INALIGHT, Battery & Energy Storage, Cable & Wire Indonesia, PowerGen & Renewable Energy Indonesia and Smart Home+City Indonesia to serve as one of the ASEAN’s most prospective one-stop exhibition for solar power, energy storage (battery), lighting, smart city technology, cable and electrical equipment under one roof. This is an opportunity not-to-be missed by key industry players and key decision makers to network as well as explore their business.

INAMARINE webinar is a part of INAMARINE Exhibition which held annually.
The 13th edition of INAMARINE will be return on 29 – 31 July 2025 at Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia. It aims to accelerate the growth of the maritime industry that is being worked on by the government. It covers the shipbuilding industry, ship-owner, offshore, port and terminal facilities, maritime transport and logistics, safety and security in ports and shipping, and environment protection. Visit and Replay the INAMARINE Webinar Sessions!

INAGRITECH Webinar is a part of INAGRITECH Exhibition.
INAGRITECH is the Largest Indonesia International Agricultural Technology Solutions Trade show which held annually. The 11th edition will be held on 29 – 31 July 2025 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia. The Webinar has been held regularly and presented by the experts cover the topics around Sustainability, Innovation and Intelligent Farming. Visit and Replay the INAGRITECH Webinar Sessions!